Op 25 en 26 mei jl. vond het F&A Next Launch Event plaats. F&A Next is het eerste Europese
platform voor investeerders, start-ups en scale-ups in de Food en Agri sector. Het evenement maakte onderdeel uit van
Startupfest Europe en vond plaats op de campus van de Wageningen Universiteit.
“F&A Next brengt grootste groep ‘Food &
Agri’ investeerders ooit bij elkaar in Nederland”
Tijdens het evenement
kwamen ruim 450 internationale investeerders, start-ups en gevestigde
bedrijven uit de sector samen met als doel innovatie in de food en agri sector
te stimuleren. Via pitch sessies en paneldiscussies hebben start-ups als Proti-Farm (insecten), Mosa Meat (kweekvlees) en Mazza Innovations (voedingsextracten) zich aan de investeerders en andere aanwezigen
Bijdrage in voorbereiding:
- Projectplan evenement
- Communicatie met overige StartupFest evenementen en de centrale StartupFest organisatie
- Selecteren, uitnodigen en briefen van sprekers en moderator
- Communicatie strategie en uitnodigingen
Martijn van Dam (Staatssecretaris Economische Zaken) Foto: Jonne Seijndel
Pitching startups 25 mei The Algae Factory [IT], High-nutrient algae based snacks, Stefania Abbona
GrowX [NL], Vertical farms to grow food in cities, John Apesos
Smart | Dairy [NL], Creating dairy companies in East Africa, India and Latin America, Peter Paul Coppes
Gensos [NL],Valorization of wet waste: supercritical gasification technology, John Harinck
FoPo Food Powder [DE], Turning food waste into powders with extended shelf life, Gerald Perry Marin
N-CHROMA [NL], Production of natural dyes as an alternative to plants and synthetics, Costa Patinios
Algreen [NL], Fresh, local spirulina for everyday consumption, Hendrik Staarink
Mosavali [GE], Distance learning and online consultancy for farmers in emerging markets, Mark van Embden Andres
Waterly [NL],Tasty & healthy water-based drinks, Bart Verweijen
DR Ten
Wattenmeer, Game changer to the aqua- and agriculture industry
Crowdfooding [UK], Crowd investment in food companies, Alessio d’Antino
Biorefinary solutions [NL], Soluble proteins from duckweed, Peter Beerens
Roots SAT [IL], Root zone temperature optimization for increased yield, Sharon Devir
Phenospex [NL], Plant phenotyping tools for industry and science, Gregoire Hummel
Wingssprayer [NL], Crop dusting with zero emission of chemicals
Prolupin [DE], Food ingredients made of regional Blue Sweet Lupine, Malte Stampe
Sensilize [IL], Spatial decision support systems for vegetation analysis, Robi Stark
EFarmer [NL], Tractor navigation app for small row crop or grassland farmers, Michael Utkin
Gomango [USA], Rentable refrigeration to help the world transport its perishable goods affordably, efficiently, and sustainably, Naren Tallapragada
Juryleden Matthijs Baan (Greensoil Investments) en Nitza Kardisch (The Trendlines Groups) samen met moderator Sheila Struyck (SHIFT Invest) Foto: Janneke Nijssen
Hapjes met insecten tijdens het evenement. Foto: Jonne Seijndel
Louise O. Fresco en Berry Marttin. Foto: Janneke Nijssen
Andrew Makkinga (moderator) Foto: Jonne Seijndel
Prins Constantijn van Oranje (StartupDelta) in gesprek met Louise O. Fresco (WUR). Foto: Jonne Seijndel
Winnaars woensdag N-CHROMA en Phenospex
Mazza Innovation [CA] Dr. Mazza, together with Dr. Carl Pronyk and Eduardo Cacace, created and patented an innovative, green process to recover high-value bioactives from plant Inovo [NL] In Ovo is a spinoff from Leiden University and develops biotechnology products for the worldwide poultry sector Naïo Technologies [FR] Naïo Technologies designs, builds and sells robots for agriculture Nutrileads [NL] NutriLeads is an innovative Nutrition & Health startup that develops food ingredients with demonstrated health effects for specific consumer & patient groups Foodpairing [BE] Foodpairing has developed and currently operates one of the world’s largest ingredient and flavor databases Gamaya [CH] Gamaya provides an unique solution for advanced diagnostics of crops for precision agriculture
Jury of investors:
- Rob Lecler (Co-founder Agfunder)
- Gabriele Riedmann de Trinidad (Group director Business Innovation Metro)
- Guus Verhees (Managing partner Shift Invest)
- Maarten Goossens (Principal at Anterra Capital)
- Andy Ziolkowski (Cultivian Sandbox)
Adam Anders (Anterra Capital), Lianne van der Kruk (KRUKX), Laurent Genet (Nutreco) en Prins Constantijn van Oranje (StartupDelta) Foto: Janneke Nijssen
Lianne van der Kruk en Jeroen Leffelaar (Rabobank) Foto: Janneke Nijssen